- To prevent further losses of both natural and cultural water-related heritages
- To create new tools to promote attractive education activities on water awareness
- To improve people’s access and interpretation of water heritages
- To enlarge the number of water museum visitors (both online and physical visits)
- To consolidate a larger and stronger network of water museums engaged on the digitization of most relevant local water heritages
- Students and related educational institutions
- Local artists, photographers and/or video-makers
- Audience, visitors and users
- Water museums in Europe and beyond, members of the WAMU-NET
- 3 online Workshops
- 3 Digitization campaigns
- 5 Onsite and online meetings
- The involvement of local educational institutions for the co-design process. The aim in to transfer knowledge to students by doing a training and a work experience
- 2 trainings for museums’ staff and students
- A co-design process: each Museum work together with students developing the contents for the web platform
- Outlining of digital itineraries for the web and on web platforms: contents will be uploaded in the web platform organized according with different digital tools
- Networking to expand cooperation with additional museums members of WAMU-NET, in order to develop new projects and expand further the web platform created with CreDiT.
Main Results
- n. 3 Archives of digitized elements and sites related to the cultural heritage of each Water Museum (photos, videos, photospheres, scans and 3D acquisitions in digital format)
- Digital tools co-designed for each participating museum
- A web platform to interact with the digital tools – educational material – cultural heritage contents for each Water Museum
- A Toolkit (publication) “How to create and co-design digital itineraries to promote the value of water-related natural and cultural heritages as a vector for sustainable development (Agenda 2030), the protection of environment and aquatic biodiversity”