“Water sustainability education” is a crucial prerequisite for more forward-looking water management and a stimulating field for creative innovation of museums. The digitization of both natural and cultural water heritages is a key process that should be promoted and emphasized when thinking about sustainable futures in Europe.

The CreDiT (CREative DIgital waTers) project responds to the wider goals related to education on sustainable water uses set by the 2030 Agenda, the European Green Deal, and UNESCO-IHP’s Resolution n.5-XXIII – a key declaration endorsed by UN Member States for transnational promotion of water awareness education.

The digital transformation envisaged by CreDiT aims to promote attractive education activities of museums in order to address climate change and environmental challenges and prevent further losses of both natural and cultural water heritages. Through new tools including digital routes and audioguides, 3D models, educational media for kids, and empowered digital tools for social media, the project will enlarge the number of water museum visitors (both online and physical visits) and improve people’s access to (and interpretation of) aquatic heritages inside and outside museums. The planned training courses, workshops and digitalization campaigns will engage directly the museum staff to co-design and co-produce the new tools with creative solutions. Indirect beneficiaries will be thousands of visitors and the local schools that every year visit water museums.

Overall goal of the project is to create new synergies in the field of water sustainability education at European level. Dissemination of results and outputs of CreDiT is guaranteed at the transnational level, including the extra-European level, thanks to the active engagement of the Global Network of Water Museums – the ‘flagship initiative’ of UNESCO-IHP (Intergovernmental Hydrological Programme) which today includes more than 70 active members worldwide.